Will AI exacerbate bias in the workplace?

During London Tech Week, General Purpose hosted a discussion on AI & Bias with Sasha Scott from Inclusive Group. Here are some highlights from our conversation.

General Purpose: Do you think AI is a risk or an opportunity in the workplace?

Sasha: The short answer is both.

I think many people in today’s workplace see it more as a risk and that’s not surprising. It’s viewed as a threat to jobs . Some sort of existential menace that threatens humanity.

We are witnessing a new workplace revolution of automation but also it’s unleashing creativity.

I think it’s all to do with whose hands AI is in and their motives.

From an opportunity perspective it can free up so much time and allow people to thrive in their natural skill set.

General Purpose: We talk a lot about how AI can exacerbate workplace biases, but are there some positives in there?

Sasha: Yes - it can create less biased processes and systems that can elevate underrepresented individuals. In the wrong hands, AI can perpetuate bias and discrimination. But in the right hands, it can liberate humans.

General Purpose: What are or will be the impact on workplace dynamics and leadership?

Sasha: Inclusion and culture could potentially be under even more pressure than now. AI can cause loneliness and fragmentation within the workplace. A sense of humanness and community will matter even more than today.

This means leaders will have to improve their EQ alongside their AI skills. We need leaders to leverage all that can be gained through the smart deployment of AI and simultaneously be more connected to individuals to understand what they need in order to thrive in today’s complex and at times overwhelming workplace.

At Inclusive Group, we are passionate about inclusive AI leadership skill development. The future is exciting but strong stewardship is critical.

Diversity of skills and a highly inclusive culture will allow business to grow and expand in this new paradigm.


AI Essentials launches in Dublin on 6th September 2024


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