Embracing AI as a Modern Student

Isabelle Samuels is a student and wrote this guest blog after attending AI Essentials and AI for Creatives in June 2024.

This week, I had the privilege of attending General Purposes’s AI Essentials and AI for Creatives classes. Before taking either class, my knowledge of AI was limited to experimenting with ChatGPT, which often fell short of my instruction and expectations. I knew there was more to learn. Since completing these classes, I feel confident using tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney. I understand how to leverage AI responsibly and efficiently in everyday tasks and larger projects.

In the AI Essentials class, the excellent instructors, Ed and Kirstie, guided us through various techniques to make our experience with ChatGPT more efficient and effective. The class content was exciting and easy to understand, which boosted my confidence in using the tool. The atmosphere was extremely welcoming, with participants from diverse backgrounds, including business owners, students, and individuals simply eager to learn more. My favourite part of the session was using ChatGPT to create my own healthy snacks company. I developed a business plan, website, target demographic, company name, logo, and even an 8-step marketing campaign. I learnt so much in this class and am eager to implement these changes personally and professionally. 

After taking AI Essentials, I would do these things differently: 

  • Instead of giving ChatGPT a long list of instructions, I would instruct it to “ask me three questions one at a time” in order for the information to be more concise and precise. 

  • When asking questions to ChatGPT, I would incorporate the phrases “please do…” or tell it “I love that but…” as I learnt ChatGPT can function like a human conversation. 

  • Instead of asking ChatGPT to rewrite something for me, I now ask for suggestions and bounce my ideas off of it.

  • Instead of asking ChatGPT to write emails for me, I would give it a sample of my own writing and ask it to write an email in my tone. 

  • When conversing with ChatGPT, I would give it a short blurb of context so that it can refer to the topic I am asking about and stay on track. 

Ed, Tom, and Jonas took a very hands-on approach in the AI for Creatives class, assisting us with using ChatGPT and MidJourney to curate images. I had a lot of fun learning how to create AI-generated images and how to provide feedback to customise them to my liking. I particularly enjoyed learning how to make AI images of celebrities, cartoons, and even myself. Much like the Essentials class, we had an opportunity to create our own brand and present it in a pitch-like manner to others in the class. I loved creating a billboard and mock influencer promotion campaign using AI imaging. I left this class eager to spend more time creating images.

After taking AI for Creatives, I would do these things differently: 

  • I would use AI imaging tools like Midjourney to create images for the PowerPoint presentations I give in school rather than spending unnecessary time searching for the specific image I need. 

  • I would use AI imaging tools to create new images to create original designs with no risk of repetition. 

  • I would use AI imaging tools to inspire me regarding the style, framing, lighting, and other aspects of photos or logos that I may wish to take or incorporate.

Both classes opened my eyes to the fact that AI is not the future, but those who know how to use it are. I highly recommend these classes to anyone interested in AI, regardless of skill level, age, or occupation. I had the best time and look forward to applying my new skills in my life!


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